Ultimate ComboBox in QML

November 2017 · 4 minute read

Everybody who wanted to customize UI of ComboBox in QML knows that it is only possible though crutches and hacks. Usually that’s not a problem and people start implementing their own custom ComboBoxes that are docked to somewhere. You can see an example of such implementation below (the code is simplified). These sort of implementations have few big problems which I will cover afterwards.

Item {
    id: comboBox
    property alias model: dropDownItems.model

    signal comboIndexChanged(int index);

    Rectangle {
        id: header
        anchors.fill: parent
        color: "gray"

        Text { text: dropDownItems.currentItem.itemText }

        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: { comboBox.state = comboBox.state === "down" ? "" : "down" }

    Rectangle {
        id: dropDown
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.right: parent.right
        anchors.top: header.bottom
        visible: false
        height: 0
        onActiveFocusChanged: { if (!activeFocus) { comboBox.state = ""; } }

        ListView {
            id: dropDownItems
            anchors.fill: parent

            delegate: Rectangle {
                property alias itemText: modelData
                height: 20
                width: parent.width

                Text { text: modelData }

                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {
                        comboBox.state = ""
                        if (index !== comboBox.selectedIndex) {
                            comboBox.selectedIndex = index

    states: State {
        name: "down";
        PropertyChanges {
            target: dropDown
            height: 20 * dropDownItems.count
            visible: true

This approach has 2 big flaws.

The very first problem with this approach is z-index management. You have to make sure that owner of your custom ComboBox is on top of everything possible so I set z: 100500 every time I instantiated my object. But what if you have several instances which can overlap? Correct, you have to assign z-index dynamically every time..

The other problem with this way is the focus management in QML apps which I personally find quite clumsy and raw (but of course it could be just my lack of skill). Simple enough, you want to click outside to close the dropdown and .. usually that’s just not possible without hacks. I’ve done horrible things to workaround this. I used to put huge MouseArea elements everywhere to emit closeComboBoxes() signal when it get’s clicked and all the ComboBox in the area were subscribed to that signal.

So is there anything better?

What I did is that I created 2 controls ComboBoxHeader and ComboBoxDropdown. The first one was the control I used to put in the QML here and there where I needed the ComboBox functionality. It’s code is pretty simple:

/* ComboBoxHeader.qml */

Item {
    id: comboBox

    property var globalParent
    property var model
    property int selectedIndex

    signal comboItemSelected(int index);

    function openPopup() {

    Rectangle {
        id: header
        anchors.fill: parent
        color: "gray"

        Text { text: comboBox.model[comboBox.selectedIndex] }

        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: { openPopup() }

The important part there is property var globalParent. You should set this to some top-most Item-derived component which will serve as the invisible background. The dropdown is instantiated in relative to this root component with the following code:

function openPopup() {
    // MAGIC:
    var marginPoint = comboBox.mapToItem(globalParent, 0, comboBox.height)

    var options = {
        model: comboBox.model,
        selectedIndex: comboBox.selectedIndex,
        leftPadding: marginPoint.x,
        topPadding: marginPoint.y,

     var component = Qt.createComponent("ComboBoxDropdown.qml")
     var instance = component.createObject(globalParent, options)        

And the other control (in file ComboBoxDropdown.qml) is a dropdown control with an Item root element (globalParent) filling everything on background. This root element intercepts all the mouse activity outside and correctly closes the popup if clicked.

/* ComboBoxDropdown.qml */

Item {
    id: dropdownComponent
    anchors.fill: parent

    property alias model: dropDownItems.model
    property alias selectedIndex: dropDownItems.currentIndex

    property double topPadding: 0
    property double leftPadding: 0

    signal comboItemSelected(int index)
    function closePopup() { dropdownComponent.destroy() }

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onWheel: wheel.accepted = true
        onClicked: {
            mouse.accepted = true

    Rectangle {
        id: dropDown
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.leftMargin: dropdownComponent.leftPadding
        anchors.topMargin: dropdownComponent.topPadding
        color: "gray"
        visible: false
        width: 200
        height: 0
        state: "down"

        ListView {
            id: dropDownItems
            anchors.fill: parent

            delegate: Rectangle {
                width: parent.width
                height: 20

                Text { text: modelData }

                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {
                        comboBox.state = ""
                        if (index !== comboBox.selectedIndex) {
                            comboBox.selectedIndex = index

        states: State {
            name: "down";
            PropertyChanges {
                target: dropDown;
                height: 20 * dropDownItems.count
                visible: true

Now to use it you just go

ComboBoxHeader {
    globalParent: someTopMostItem
    model: ["Some", "data", "for", "the", "test", "here"]
    height: 20
    width: 200

    onComboItemSelected: { console.log(index) }

With this you can guarantee natural behavior of ComboBox and it is absolutely custom: you can style it as you want. So far this is the best option of customizable ComboBox I’ve seen anywhere.

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